Post Title First then Blog Title for a better SEO Blogger Blog

All blogspot Bloggers must know that Blogger/Blogspot comes with a default settings of having Blog title at first then the Post title in search engines which leads to very bad impact on your blog posts result in the search engines, many seo blogs have written about it but today I am going to write a summarized article under a seo blogging section of my blog.
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, there are many seo blogs up with various seo techniques and tricks on seo blogging here I have one useful post for you all, all blogspot bloggers must find a way for better results in search engines in a better presented way.

For example: my blog title is "HackXack" and my post title is "Post Title First then Blog Title for a better SEO Blogger Blog" then my results in search engines will look like (with default blogger settings)

"HackXack | Post Title First then Blog Title for a better SEO Blogger Blog" TITLE
All blogspot bloggers must know that..hackxack is a tech blog,seo blog hacking passwordSNIPPET

Blog title first really looks too unprofessional in such a way many blogs are ignored in search results so after our tutorial you may see your posts like this

"Post Title First then Blog Title for a better SEO Blogger Blog | HackXack"TITLE
All blogspot bloggers must know that..hackxack is a tech blog,seo blog hacking passwordSNIPPET

which shows that your post title appears first than your Blog title which means a better SEO and a better SEO blog.

So now I will tell you that how to change these default settings of Blog Title First to the Post Title First.

Follow the below mentioned steps:-

Go to you Blogger Template → Edit html → Proceed
Now Press CTRL + F then find the below code,


Then we need to change them with these codes:

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title>

Therefore, the resulting codes will look like:

<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>
<title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title>

Then save the template, and the next time a search engine crawl your blog, the new setting will be applied handsomely.
So, here is the end of our tutorial for SEO Blog hope it was easily understandable and easy to apply. If you face any prob comment below and let me know

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