Wikipedia Website will Experience a Revolutionary Redesign

Wikipedia the online world of extreme free knowledge, no one can ever think of forgetting bookmarking Wikipedia in his browser as it helps millions of people around the world to conquer knowledge. So as mentioned on their website about the Athena Project Wikipedia might be going under a revolutionary redesign stage with getting lots of things which will make its user interface more useful and awesome for people using it around the world.

wikipedia redesign

So as you can see in the above image this is what the estimations are going on that how Wikipedia is going to with all its features live. Well the main aim from the creators are to design in this way so that they can have a nice user experience + more writers should engage in giving their contributions to Wikipedia database.

Changes Expected in Wikipedia’s Redesign :

  1. Giving common loo to everything from icon sets, color palette's and design patterns.
  2. Real Time Message notifications from users will be delivered to right on the go.
  3. The overall redesign bringing a large timeline type of image on top of every article.
  4. Redesigning the Mobile Experience with more features and faster speeds.
So these are the goals for the creators and designers working on Wikipedia for making their website more recognizable among upcoming new users, readers and learners. Well lets just wait for this too happen and we get you updated when the change will become permanent.